At LightOn, we usually define ourselves as a hardware company that does Machine Learning or a Machine Learning company that does hardware. it depends on who we are talking to. Sometimes we may even mention that we are using light as a means of performing computations of interest to high dimensional Machine Learning. Irrespective to all these characterizations, and because we are building a technology from the ground-up, research is essential to our endeavor. This afternoon (Paris time), we are hosting our third Research Workshop at PC’UP/IPGG. You can register here if you want to attend.
(And yes, for our new logo, the “O” of LightOn features an L2 ball and the projection of a “spiky” high-dimensional sphere.)
The program of this research workshop will include the following talks:
13:45 Remi Gribonval, INRIA
Title: Differentially Private Compressive Learning — Large-scale learning with the memory of a goldfish
14:25 Alessandro Rudi, INRIA
Title: Scaling-up Large Scale Kernel Learning
15:30 Julien Launay, LightOn
Title: “Beyond backpropagation: alternative training methods for neural networks”
The workshop should be streamed online.