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Press Release: Aleia & LightOn

Aleia & LightOn join forces and launch an industrial, secure, European offering of large language models starting from the fall of 2023!

June 14, 2023


Aleia & LightOn join forces and launch an industrial, secure, European offering of large language models starting from the fall of 2023! This collaboration marks a turning point in Europe by integrating established industrial AI processes and generative AI prompts.

Aleia & LightOn are revolutionizing industrial artificial intelligence with a comprehensive offering that harnesses large language models and generative AI. The Aleia & LightOn offering is based on the GPT models created and managed by LightOn, combined with Aleia's powerful industrial architecture.

It consists of four essential elements for the industrial deployment of generative AI models:

  1. A robust and reliable infrastructure enabling access to fine-tuning and inference resources.
  2. Robust models, resulting from LightOn's expertise and their Paradigm platform, ensuring optimal performance in various use cases.
  3. Seamless integration with Aleia's AI platform, providing secure and easily deployable workspaces, as well as production integration.
  4. Deployment in collaboration with business partners to adapt to specific use cases and accelerate business transformation through artificial intelligence.

This combination of elements allows Aleia & LightOn to offer an unparalleled European solution, providing unprecedented industrial and commercial integration.

For more information, please contact our experts

#GenerativeAI #Platform #Paradigm #LLM #Vivatech

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